Asset Services

REYL & Cie offers institutional clients a broad range of financial and administrative services, enabling them to concentrate on their essential objectives of distributing their products and services as well as delivering optimal investment returns.

A range of high value-added services

REYL Intesa Sanpaolo offers finance professionals an array of services including global custody, investment fund governance and organisation, trading as well as outsourced research and financial analysis. Through REYL & Cie (Malta) Ltd, REYL & Cie’s affiliate benefitting from a Cat. 4A license delivered by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), the Asset Services business line also offers fund depositary services within the European Union.

Personalised services for investment professionals

In the same way as for its private clients, REYL Intesa Sanpaolo delivers highly personalised services to its Swiss and international institutional clients, including banks, authorised securities dealers, multi-family offices, independent asset managers, pension funds as well as investment fund managers and administrators.

Access to the full range of REYL Group resources

REYL Intesa Sanpaolo’s Asset Services business line benefits from the full range of services and expertise available within the Bank, with support provided by its Swiss and international teams and entities, across a broad variety of areas including IT, operations, back-office, financial analysis as well as legal structuring advisory.

Fund Representation Solutions (“FRS”)

A single counterparty offering combined a Swiss Representation and Paying Agent solution.  

For more information see Fund Representation Solutions page


  • Custody & Depositary Services
  • Fund administration & structuring 
  • Trading
  • Investment Consulting & Delegation
  • Swiss Legal Representative and Paying Agent 

More information about the REYL Group

Annual Report 2023


Get in Touch with the Asset Services team